So sad...
So sad...
Amzaing game, graohics are good (not amazing) and gameplay is very fun. Recomend it for people who like doom and fps.
It is a good game however very gory and hard to see . u play 3/4 inside which seems like your doing the same thing throughout the whole game . Its way to dark , get black ops or cod4 instead. (this is my opinion on the game)
Great game, but has some issues in the mac adaptation. It seems that upon quitting and restarting the game a few times without restarting the OS, the mac mouse pointer just gets stuck on the screen on top of everything else, which can get quite anoying. Same issue on both the 2010 macbook pro and the 2012 retina macbook pro under OSX 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9. Please fix it as I would hate to see such a great title by ID software get spoiled like this...
Won’t start on Macbook Pro retina on 10.9.1 (Mavericks)
This game is horrible, no bots to play with.
Game runs just fine on my entry level iMac on ultra settings. Using widescreen 1960x1080 settings and the game runs and looks flawless.
Quake 4 is pretty great. Ive been hoping to see a shoot em up game with a decent campain and addicting arcade shooter multiplayer and here it is! The game runs great on my 2010 mbp at full graphic quality. I really couldnt ask for more. well… at least I just want to know how to install mods… :3
Buy this game, its so much fun and its very cheap!!!
Running on my macbook pro 2010 with video card and it works just fine in full screen mode. All commands and movements are just like Doom 3. Of course Doom 3 and Quake use the same engine. I havent figured out how to turn captions on, if you can, so I can play with the sound off. For the price, if you like first person shooting games, it is great. Not sure about the bad review about not having BOTS. Plenty of different monsters to come after you. The gore is a bit much, for sure not for the under about 12 years old I think. I have only played the first landing area, but having other people cover my six is a great idea. I even save a few guys and they stick around and help me.
At first I thought it wouldnt run Ultra settings on my 2011 Macbook Pro 13" with only 384MB of video RAM (minimum required for Ultra is 500MB VRAM) but YES, it runs smooth as a babys tushy!!
Although not as good as I imagine. But still good since not a lot of games are available for mac.
This game will run at acceptable frame rates on a Late-2008 Macbook (5,1 2.4GHz 9400m) with the following settings: 1280x800, Medium graphics, high quality effects off, specular off. I regularly get between 26 to 58 fps…with vsync it goes down to a stable 26, which can be a little annoying, but very playable. At this resolution do not use anti aliasing, its pointless and will make the game run terrible. A very well made game and I love it!
Fun game with amazing graphics and a good story. Plenty of action, not as scary as Doom 3 and 19.99 is a reasonable price considering there arent many 1st person shooters for less than 29.99. I hesitated buying this but Ive very glad I did. 13" MBP Intel 3000 HD 8 GB RAM 500 GB HDD
I remember buying Quake 4 when it originally came out and being able to play it only on half graphic setting because of my slow PC. I loved it then and found it truly engrossing. But now… being able to run it on my imac in full graphic glory -- all settings maxed out -- is truly impressive even after all this time. Thought Id play it for a few minutes and already an hour has passed. Well worth the money!!!
Great game didnt know anything about the series just bought it and wasnt disappointed, except for the fact that their is no gampad support.
what a waste of my money
From the menu interface to the loading screens to the weapon handling to the cut-scenes to the levels and monsters themselves, this game simply doesnt feel like a game in the Quake series. I guess I should have known by the seller (Aspyr Media) that this might be the case but, alas, I couldnt resist the Quake name. The game handles its FPS duties (MERELY) adequately but overall gives the impression of being the product of a fledgling game start-up. This is a generic, unimaginative shooter. I would venture to say that anyone who rates this game 5-stars probably hasnt played any previous game in the series. It just isnt right.
I have a MacBookPro that I bought last year, 2.3 Ghz i5 processor, 4GB Ram, Intel HDGraphics 3000. The game plays smoothly at the highest settings. When I bought the game I didnt really know what to expect other than that its a first person shooter game. I saw all the 5-star ratings and I was like, ok, I gotta try this, because Ive played many other types of first-person games like this (like Halo, COD, even Elder Scrolls, etc.). With that said, my expectations may have been too high. First, the graphics are unimpressive. It feels very 1999-ish… very DOOM-ish. This was disappointing, but awesome multiplayer gameplay would have made up the difference… but it didnt. Hardly anyone is online playing multiplayer at any given time! I wouldnt really have felt the need to leave a 2-star rating were it not the fact that there are so many 5-star ratings that skew reality. Im just throwing my two-cents in here to put some balance (and reality) into the picture.
This is a quit good game. The campaign is quit scary and interesting, the maps are well made and the maps are good to. Ohnestly though this game should not be a 12+ it is way to gory and bloody. As well as that you dont get the entire game since the map editor doesnt work on mac and when you try loading it it says,"tool only availbel on Windows", but I suppose that they will probably implement that in a futer update. Also there are no bots in multiplayer though that is not a crucial element and other than those three things it is a very good game.