I have a MacBookPro that I bought last year, 2.3 Ghz i5 processor, 4GB Ram, Intel HDGraphics 3000. The game plays smoothly at the highest settings. When I bought the game I didnt really know what to expect other than that its a first person shooter game. I saw all the 5-star ratings and I was like, ok, I gotta try this, because Ive played many other types of first-person games like this (like Halo, COD, even Elder Scrolls, etc.). With that said, my expectations may have been too high. First, the graphics are unimpressive. It feels very 1999-ish… very DOOM-ish. This was disappointing, but awesome multiplayer gameplay would have made up the difference… but it didnt. Hardly anyone is online playing multiplayer at any given time! I wouldnt really have felt the need to leave a 2-star rating were it not the fact that there are so many 5-star ratings that skew reality. Im just throwing my two-cents in here to put some balance (and reality) into the picture.
NauticaBlue007 about Quake 4 ™