Quake 4 ™ App Reviews

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Quake IV is pretty dang good!

Ive got a 2011 Mac with os10.6.8, 4GB memory, and ATI Radeon HD5670 graphics. It downloaded and worked pretty flawlessly for me. I had this game years ago on a PC and it never played very well so it was like playing a new game. Some of the action was really cool like when you got to control guns/cannons in a vehicle. I will echo one reviewer to PLEASE bring Quake II back to life. It was my favorite game and I kept an old Gateway with Windows 98 on it just to play Quake II but that computer totally died this year so no more Quake II :-(. Anyway, very cool game. No gripes. Will play it again.

If you happen to use MacKeeper...

Be sure to turn "Real Time Protection" off before running the program. Once its up and running, the game is great. sound is incredible and the graphics are sharp.

Its All Good

I recently bought my first Mac (27" iMac, i7, 8GB, HD6970M-2GB) and was looking to try an FPS game. Too many games had too many negative reviews which left me too nervous to buy one of the newer games such as COD 4, Deus Ex or Rage. I thought my machine had enough horsepower to run anything full tilt but, again, the reviews had me hesitant. Ultimately I decided on an older game which left me much more comfortable in the ability to turn all the bells and whistles up to their max settings. Quake 4 did not disappoint. Im running the game at my displays native resolution of 2560 x 1940, I have the Video Quality set to Ultra and everything else enabled or set to its max setting including antialiasing at 8x. Not a hiccup anywhere! My only complaint: I cant find an adjustment in the games settings for mouse sensitivity (pretty trivial complaint, right?). Five Stars for Quake 4 and Aspyr.


I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for both ID and the visionary games it produced. I consider Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Doom 3 nothing short of artistic masterpieces. With this said, it brings me great disappointment to give this game 1 star. I never imagined I would give an ID game such a rating. After 10 minutes of playing Quake 4, it became painfully clear that the option to run is simply not available. You are forced to move at a constant pace the entire course of this game? Christ! The sheer idea that ID, in particular the Quake 4 development team, would COMPLETELY REMOVE the option to the run is inconceivable to me. You must literally walk through this entire 1st person shooter.To add more absurdity to this, there is an additional option to walk slower. Really? A 1st person war game where the soldier wouldnt have the need to run on occasion? How could the Quake 4 dev team unanimously decide this would be favored by people. Worst still is this game is nearly 6 years old, and yet there has been no update to include this feature. This is the first time I have EVER bought, played and removed a game without playing it to completion. This was paid for and off my machine in less than 15 minutes. How sad is that. Truly disappointed.

Single Player Rules, Multiplayer rocks!!!

This game is just mindblowing for the price. Single player keeps me on the edge of my seat, stunning graphics and gameplay; while multiplayer makes me jump off my desk and go berserk having fun. A simple must buy top of the line online and offline shooter!!!!


Man does this bring back memories :-D

The story is so much fun.

The single player is what makes the game for me sure the main guy doesnt talk but evryone around pretty much talks for you and gives you a pretty good idea on whats going on. The game is challenging and AI doesnt feel unfair like COD4.

great game but BEWARE

the game runs smooth and plays well… on SINGLE PLAYER. if youre downloading this game to play MULTIPLAYER, be prepared to get disappointed because there arent enough players that go online to easily play an online game of deathmatch

A bad game, waste of money

I have played the previous Quake games and other games by Id such as Doom 3 and enjoyed them. Quake 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. I didnt think this would be bad, at worst it would at least be a fun waste of time. Ive played a couple hours of the single player game and its slow and boring. The acting and writing is pretty unbearable. (not that that was something I wanted in a Quake game but why put it in at all?) All the soldiers seem to have the same body and they often look the wrong way when theyre supposed to be talking to my character. Thats okay because the faces dont look too good anyway. Some things just break like characters lines dont make sense because they were supposed to die but I already killed the enemy that would have killed them. There is no tension or real sense of war. The game takes place in a huge war and most of the time I felt alone and was thinking, "wheres the army?" Either army, mine or the enemys. A handful of guys would attack or Id find a few squadmates but it didnt feel like fighting a massive army or being part of one. They tried to make it feel that way by having you overhear radio messages but like I said, theyre poorly acted and just kind of repetitive and unconvincing. The game looks A LOT like Doom 3 but it falls flat every time it tries to be scary the same way but mostly it doesnt try very hard. I liked Doom 3 so the familiarity seemed good, but it doesnt compare. The monsters are kind of goofy looking to me. I played it on the second-hardest difficulty and its just not very challenging. Its hard to know what gun to use against what monster but they all basically work. A lot of the game I was wandering through empty halls or even looking at other soldiers in another room fighting monsters or getting killed. I would think, "at least theyre having fun." I was really surprised when I just turned off the game after an unfun hour of playing and thought, "wow, I dont want to play anymore of this." I think the best way to get my moneys worth is to cut my losses. Maybe it gets more fun after you "become one of them," and maybe I didnt get far enough. Got five or six guns, drove a tank, not interesting. A lot of the game is composed of these little quests like "go open that door" or "escort some guy somewhere" but they all feel like busy work to me. Maybe the multi-player is better?

Single player good, multiplayer bad

Fun game, multiplayer is the bomb….just need more players…so buy it!


Ive had the same "Quake 4 is damaged and can’t be opened" message four times now. Ill bet this its a great game but Im tired of downloading, installing, uninstalling, downloading, installing, etc. Four times is my limit. Goodbye $20.

best shooter of all time

this is a very fun shooter and has some awosome multiplayer but give us quake 5 or the first quake I dont really care.

Nice Shooter!!!!!

Just got this Mac Mini and got Quake 4 from the app store just to see how it did with a shooter game. Wow was surprised! smoothe gameplay and graphics even before i upgraded to 16 gigs of ram! Who says Mac Minis are not gaming machines. this game runs flawless on it!!! this game has a sweet story line. i hope the other Quake games become available for the Mac. Would also recommend Doom 3 and COD4 for Mac if you are into FP shooters as I am.

Get Your Wallet Out… Now

Great game. The lighting is AMAZING and the graphics are not as great but are still top notch. The audio is really good as well; bravo to the voice actor(s) of The Makron. his voice(s) make me wanna go hide in the corner and cry. The single player has a nice story and gameplay but i cant seem to get the multiplayer to even work. (which i am disappointed in because i really really liked the multiplayer in Quake II). not to mention it took like 3 hours to download, but the game itself is great. And for those of you who critic games on their performance, The game runs great on maximum graphical settings and i have an OLD laptop from like 2004 or something. Great game overall but i wish the multiplayer would work for me; definitely worth the 20 bucks

WAS awesome, but won’t open in Yosemite.

I LOVED this game—all the Quake series are classics. But even though it still downloads and installs in Yosemite, it won’t open. The start screen comes up (Open full screen or in window?), but neither option works. A quick flicker of black screen, and nothing. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled to verify.

It won’t even launch

Sorry, I’ve played this game before and it was great, scared the hell out of me. But this 20$ version won’t even launch, it offers to open it windowed or full screen and with either button I press my screen just flashs black and its goes back to my desktop. I have uninstalled it and re-installed it and it’s still the same. If they fix it ill change the rating but until then I’m giving this 1 star.


Hey i love this game i used to watch my dad play it all the time i saw it was on the mac app store and i FREAKED out Of course it dosent have top-of-the-line graphics IT WAS MADE IN 2005! but if u really want good graphics you can install a mod named sikkmod YES YOU CAN INSTALL MODS ON MAC you just have to open the Sikkmod folder and copy the files in it into the Q4base folder Its really fun but i recommend have 8 gb for sikkmod but for just vanalla u can have 4 gb

Was good until El Capitan

Now it stinks. Opening the game mixes up squares of the screen and turns them rainbow colors. Completely unplayable! Update the game or give me my money back! Playing on a 15” MBP 2011 with graphics switching off.

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