I have played the previous Quake games and other games by Id such as Doom 3 and enjoyed them. Quake 1 is one of my favorite games of all time. I didnt think this would be bad, at worst it would at least be a fun waste of time. Ive played a couple hours of the single player game and its slow and boring.
The acting and writing is pretty unbearable. (not that that was something I wanted in a Quake game but why put it in at all?) All the soldiers seem to have the same body and they often look the wrong way when theyre supposed to be talking to my character. Thats okay because the faces dont look too good anyway. Some things just break like characters lines dont make sense because they were supposed to die but I already killed the enemy that would have killed them. There is no tension or real sense of war. The game takes place in a huge war and most of the time I felt alone and was thinking, "wheres the army?" Either army, mine or the enemys. A handful of guys would attack or Id find a few squadmates but it didnt feel like fighting a massive army or being part of one. They tried to make it feel that way by having you overhear radio messages but like I said, theyre poorly acted and just kind of repetitive and unconvincing.
The game looks A LOT like Doom 3 but it falls flat every time it tries to be scary the same way but mostly it doesnt try very hard. I liked Doom 3 so the familiarity seemed good, but it doesnt compare.
The monsters are kind of goofy looking to me. I played it on the second-hardest difficulty and its just not very challenging. Its hard to know what gun to use against what monster but they all basically work. A lot of the game I was wandering through empty halls or even looking at other soldiers in another room fighting monsters or getting killed. I would think, "at least theyre having fun."
I was really surprised when I just turned off the game after an unfun hour of playing and thought, "wow, I dont want to play anymore of this." I think the best way to get my moneys worth is to cut my losses. Maybe it gets more fun after you "become one of them," and maybe I didnt get far enough. Got five or six guns, drove a tank, not interesting. A lot of the game is composed of these little quests like "go open that door" or "escort some guy somewhere" but they all feel like busy work to me.
Maybe the multi-player is better?
Danston Evanshire about Quake 4 ™